Monday 22 April 2013

YouTube ~ A New Start?!

Over the years I've discovered and rediscovered YouTube over and over again! I love it and think it's one of the best internet inventions (if not the best) ever! When I was younger, I'd create silly and fun videos with my best friend and upload some every now and again! Some of them even gained some interest and one in particular is currently at something ridiculous like 80,000 views which is insane!

<----- there it is, to be exact!! :O

But over the past year I've got really into "YouTubers" such as Zoella, SprinkleofGlitter, PointlessBlog, MarcusButler etc! I love watching these vlog-style videos and for many months now I've been considering starting up a new channel and uploading vlogs every now and again! 

My first one is now live and I would greatly appreciate it if you'd check it out and give me some feedback :) Obviously it's not perfect and there are definitely some things I would do differently, but it's my first video and I've got to start somewhere!

It's called "15 Facts About Me" and my channel has the same name as this blog, "MissMegsPegs". Here's the video if you'd like to take a peek and if you enjoy it, please hit the like button or even subscribe if you fancy! :)

I hope you enjoy it and thanks for being awesome :) 


  1. Hey! I just subscribed to you :)I am new at the youtube thing too and I love Alfie, Marcus, Zoe and Louise. Checkout my channel! I still need to improve on a lot of stuff but I wanted to start it before I chickened out and decided not to do it. I enjoyed your video :) Good work

    1. Oops I forgot to link it :P Silly me!

    2. aw thank you so much! :)
      just had a look at your channel too and subscribed back- you seem really nice and I enjoyed yours too! thanks again :)
      Megan xx
