Wednesday 10 July 2013

Where have I been... and what am I doing now?!

Well hello there strangers! I seem to have completely failed at blogging in the last month or so and my excuse is LIFE. Exams, end of the college year, work, busy weekends, learning to drive... the list is endless!

But now... *drum roll pleeeeease* 


Oh how good it feels to be able to say that :') And now I have much more time on my hands I intend to do more than sunbathing and sleeping and try to post a lot more!

I'm thinking about steering towards the beauty/fashion route as I have some ideas that I think you'll enjoy! How about beauty/clothing hauls? Or my current favourites? Or even a nail polish collection?!

Hopefully some of these ideas excite you a liiiittle bit so stay tuned if you're interested lovelies! :)

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