Monday 20 May 2013

Birthday Fun!!

Last week was my 17th birthday so it was a lil' milestone birthday for me! 17 years old means driving, and driving means freedom and excitement!

Although I do have some photos from my actual birthday, I thought I'd do a post about Friday night when me and 6 of my closest friends went to Nando's for my birthday meal :)

I had a really fan-tabby-dozee evening with some of my favourite people in the world which made me veeeery happy. I love being surrounded by people I love, and who care about me too, as it makes me feel all warm inside aha!

So we all made ourselves look nice, put on some pretty clothes and went for a good ol' Nando's! Here are some pictures of the evening, although I didn't personally take any as I sometimes feel a bit "intrusive" with my big old Canon camera and my phone camera is rubbish! So these pics are all courtesy of one of my lovely friends :)

Aww, our group photo! (that's me on the right with the blonde hair for future reference!)
love love this one of me with my two best friends <3
but do I prefer this?? ....I can't decide!
hehe, yeah :P
pre-Nando's excitement with a drink in KFC! :')
So I hope you enjoyed this little lifestyle post about my birthday (kinda) party and seeing me in my natural habitat... the REAL SOLID WORLD OUTSIDE THE INTERNET ;)

Mwuah :*

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Look who's turning 17!

Tomorrow I turn 17 and I'm quite excited! Although it's a kinda rubbishy week to have a birthday (first AS exam is on friday!), I have my first ever driving lesson and I just love birthdays! :)

The thought of me driving a car amuses my friends quite a bit and to be honest, it actually scares me a bit! If you could see how I am in my day-to-day life, I am constantly bumping into things and getting over-excited so I can just picture me being a clumsy mess on the road! haha :')

But saying that, I also have a small niggly feeling that maybe I will actually be okay! I did a Mercedes driving experience a couple of years ago which allowed me to drive an automatic car around an obstacle-track-thingy and I wasn't too bad at all! Anyway, fingers crossed all goes well!

It's also a chance for me to see my family and just do something special and out-of-the-ordinary routine!  Two of my best friends have been plotting and scheming so I'm pretty excited to see what surprise they have, the cuties :3

So this was a little lifestyle post to let y'all know that tomorrow is ma birthdaaaay and I'm rather looking forward to it!

Much love :*

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Oh, YouTube again?!

So I decided after gaining a few views, subscribers, likes and comments on my first video, I would try to continue and make another video! If you didn't see my first video it was a '15 Facts About Me':

This time, I decided to do a video called 'Things That Annoy Me'! I had a few ideas whirling round my head but decided on this one in the end! You can watch it here now and please feel free to like, comment and subscribe and I would be very grateful! :) I'm still playing around with camera angles, focus, editing etc but hopefully it's good enough to enjoy!

If you enjoy it, please do let me know any future video ideas/requests as I'd like to make videos that I enjoy making, but also that other people will enjoy!

Thank you lovelies :)