Monday 26 August 2013

The Best Holiday

I went to Spain for 10 days and it was fantabulously great. 10 days, perfect weather, my family, their friends and my best friend = one amazing holiday!

I'm having the post-holiday blues so this is a kind of therapy for me to relive the holiday in this post through pictures :) I've never been on a proper holiday with a friend before so I was thrilled to be able to bring my bestest buddy with me! We had a brilliant time :')

Still can't believe this is where we stayed.... :)
PLL nerd over here!
my sister, me and my best friend <3

naww :')
Spain, you're just showing off now.
busy beach!
all dressed up :)
went to the zoo :D
chillin' on the beach with all the girls :) 
So there it is, a sneak peek of my much-loved 2013 holiday! Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for more photo posts and some beauty ones coming soon :)

I'm also using Bloglovin now so head on over there to follow me and all your favourites easily with one click!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Where have I been... and what am I doing now?!

Well hello there strangers! I seem to have completely failed at blogging in the last month or so and my excuse is LIFE. Exams, end of the college year, work, busy weekends, learning to drive... the list is endless!

But now... *drum roll pleeeeease* 


Oh how good it feels to be able to say that :') And now I have much more time on my hands I intend to do more than sunbathing and sleeping and try to post a lot more!

I'm thinking about steering towards the beauty/fashion route as I have some ideas that I think you'll enjoy! How about beauty/clothing hauls? Or my current favourites? Or even a nail polish collection?!

Hopefully some of these ideas excite you a liiiittle bit so stay tuned if you're interested lovelies! :)

Monday 20 May 2013

Birthday Fun!!

Last week was my 17th birthday so it was a lil' milestone birthday for me! 17 years old means driving, and driving means freedom and excitement!

Although I do have some photos from my actual birthday, I thought I'd do a post about Friday night when me and 6 of my closest friends went to Nando's for my birthday meal :)

I had a really fan-tabby-dozee evening with some of my favourite people in the world which made me veeeery happy. I love being surrounded by people I love, and who care about me too, as it makes me feel all warm inside aha!

So we all made ourselves look nice, put on some pretty clothes and went for a good ol' Nando's! Here are some pictures of the evening, although I didn't personally take any as I sometimes feel a bit "intrusive" with my big old Canon camera and my phone camera is rubbish! So these pics are all courtesy of one of my lovely friends :)

Aww, our group photo! (that's me on the right with the blonde hair for future reference!)
love love this one of me with my two best friends <3
but do I prefer this?? ....I can't decide!
hehe, yeah :P
pre-Nando's excitement with a drink in KFC! :')
So I hope you enjoyed this little lifestyle post about my birthday (kinda) party and seeing me in my natural habitat... the REAL SOLID WORLD OUTSIDE THE INTERNET ;)

Mwuah :*

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Look who's turning 17!

Tomorrow I turn 17 and I'm quite excited! Although it's a kinda rubbishy week to have a birthday (first AS exam is on friday!), I have my first ever driving lesson and I just love birthdays! :)

The thought of me driving a car amuses my friends quite a bit and to be honest, it actually scares me a bit! If you could see how I am in my day-to-day life, I am constantly bumping into things and getting over-excited so I can just picture me being a clumsy mess on the road! haha :')

But saying that, I also have a small niggly feeling that maybe I will actually be okay! I did a Mercedes driving experience a couple of years ago which allowed me to drive an automatic car around an obstacle-track-thingy and I wasn't too bad at all! Anyway, fingers crossed all goes well!

It's also a chance for me to see my family and just do something special and out-of-the-ordinary routine!  Two of my best friends have been plotting and scheming so I'm pretty excited to see what surprise they have, the cuties :3

So this was a little lifestyle post to let y'all know that tomorrow is ma birthdaaaay and I'm rather looking forward to it!

Much love :*

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Oh, YouTube again?!

So I decided after gaining a few views, subscribers, likes and comments on my first video, I would try to continue and make another video! If you didn't see my first video it was a '15 Facts About Me':

This time, I decided to do a video called 'Things That Annoy Me'! I had a few ideas whirling round my head but decided on this one in the end! You can watch it here now and please feel free to like, comment and subscribe and I would be very grateful! :) I'm still playing around with camera angles, focus, editing etc but hopefully it's good enough to enjoy!

If you enjoy it, please do let me know any future video ideas/requests as I'd like to make videos that I enjoy making, but also that other people will enjoy!

Thank you lovelies :)

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Some of my weird and wonderful skills!

A little bit of a random post today but I thought it'd be fun to compile a little list of some of the weird & wonderful skills, talents, and weirdly-impressive-achievements I have!

1. I can solve a Rubik's cube... it's very addictive.
2. I can touch my nose with my tongue and also the bottom of my chin. And do that weird tube thing and that thing where you twist it both ways... I have a strangely talented tongue haha :')
3. I can play the flute and piano (I am no musical prodigy, I just like playing!)
4. I can rap along to about the first 3 minutes of Rapper's Delight by the Sugarhill Gang. I'm not quite sure why, and if you've never heard of it here it is:
5. I am very good at the game "leap frog" where you sorta jump over people... ok this sounds much weirder than I intended so I hope you know what I mean!
6. I can ice-skate, mountain-board and rollerblade, but I've lost my skateboarding ability :(
7. I can hold my breath for a really long time.
8. I can speak Spanish... kinda.
9. I'm pretty good at card games >:)
10. I'm an impressive tree-climber... until I get stuck at the top.

And I'm pretty sure there must be some other things I can do that are slightly out-of-the-ordinary, but that's all I can think of for now!

I hope you've enjoyed reading about my weird skills and feel free to comment your own/things that are the same :)

Monday 22 April 2013

YouTube ~ A New Start?!

Over the years I've discovered and rediscovered YouTube over and over again! I love it and think it's one of the best internet inventions (if not the best) ever! When I was younger, I'd create silly and fun videos with my best friend and upload some every now and again! Some of them even gained some interest and one in particular is currently at something ridiculous like 80,000 views which is insane!

<----- there it is, to be exact!! :O

But over the past year I've got really into "YouTubers" such as Zoella, SprinkleofGlitter, PointlessBlog, MarcusButler etc! I love watching these vlog-style videos and for many months now I've been considering starting up a new channel and uploading vlogs every now and again! 

My first one is now live and I would greatly appreciate it if you'd check it out and give me some feedback :) Obviously it's not perfect and there are definitely some things I would do differently, but it's my first video and I've got to start somewhere!

It's called "15 Facts About Me" and my channel has the same name as this blog, "MissMegsPegs". Here's the video if you'd like to take a peek and if you enjoy it, please hit the like button or even subscribe if you fancy! :)

I hope you enjoy it and thanks for being awesome :)